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Venus Rose Autumn Retreat

Please contact for more info and booking.

Beautiful things happen when women come together, when we nourish, respect and celebrate one another, when we let go of the societal pressures and just be. When we gather in a sacred container as our most authentic selves, we uplift, support and inspire each other, and as a sisterhood we rise together.

Join us for a weekend of ritual and ceremony as a way to honour, celebrate and connect with the natural cycles of the earth as we find a sense of peace and balance in our lives. Rituals provide a space for contemplation and focus, allowing us to reflect on our values and our innermost desires. They help to bring purpose and meaning to our lives, help us to feel connected to something biggers than ourselves, promote well-being, and bring comfort and stability to our lives. 

Autumn heralds the descent into Winter. We can sense the coming darkness. There may be a sense of melancholy as we wave goodbye to the long, light-filled days. The leaves are changing colour and falling from the trees. It’s a time of release and letting go. We have passed the Autumn Equinox and are preparing to meet Samhain (Sah-wen), the beginning of the Celtic New Year. 

To help nourish and support our healing journey over the weekend, we will draw on the gentle and heart-opening plant medicines of Rose, Cacao and Tea. 

Rose calls us to awaken the divine feminine within, symbolising love, beauty, and spiritual transformation, much like Venus, the goddess who embodies these qualities. The Rose invites us to explore her symbolic significance and unlock the profound wisdom she holds, guiding us on a heart-centred path and fostering a sacred relationship with our Hearts, Wombs, the Earth and the Mystery of Life. 

Rich in compounds that are perfectly aligned to human health and wellbeing, ceremonial-grade cacao offers the highest levels of flavonoids, bliss molecules, antioxidants, minerals and binds directly with the feel good receptors in our brain, positively influencing our mood, and reducing stress, and anxiety.

Amie Roberts will be offering her beautiful Cha Dao Ceremony - 'the way of tea' - which is an ancient practice with a long standing lineage of tea sages, masters and teachers. It integrates tea as a plant, a beverage and a tradition, as well as a medicine for the body, mind and spirit.

Throughout the weekend, you'll have the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations, participate in a wide variety of somatic, meditative practices, explore the beautiful garden that serves as our sanctuary, as well as visiting the exquisite and magical Chalice Well Gardens with the Red Spring waters running through, and The White Spring. We will climb the gentle hill up to the famous Glastonbury Tor.

Whether you're looking to gain new insights, meet like-minded women, or simply take a moment for yourself, this retreat offers the perfect setting. We believe that every woman carries a wellspring of wisdom within her, and this retreat is designed to help you tap into that inner resource. 

Schedule (may be subject to slight changes)


2pm          Arrivals and settling in.

4pm          Opening Circle and Restorative Yoga

6.30pm     Welcome Dinner 

8pm          Spinning Wheel Talk and Yoga Nidra


8am          Chia Pot / Tea

8.30am     Somatic Awakening 

12pm        Lunch

2pm          Venus Rose Releasing Ritual 

5pm          Cha Dao Ceremony with Amie Roberts

7pm          Autumn Feast

8.30pm     Fire Ceremony / Hot Tub 


8am           Chia Pot / Tea

8.30am      Somatic Awakening 

12pm         Lunch 


Visit to Glastonbury Tor & Chalice Well Gardens

Please contact for more info and booking.

15 June

Apothecary Rose Alembic Day